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Aging processes

At present, aging processes are the scope of many research programs, focusing in particular on slowing down the progress of catabolic processes, ie decay. Factors responsible for the aging process can be divided into two basic groups: the natural aging process (intrinsic aging) and the influence of external factors (extrinsic / photo-aging). It is worth emphasizing that external factors account for 80% of the changes observed in the first five decades of life.

Aging is a natural process that runs both on the biological and the mental levels, resulting in reduced cell biological activity, slower regeneration, decreased immunity, and decreased adaptability.

Intra-aging processes result from successively weakening internal organs, resulting in dysfunction of endocrine glands and ultimately lowering levels of hormones circulating in the bloodstream. Catabolic processes within the skin result in dryness and roughness, pallor associated with reduced capillary turnover and reactivity, numerous but fine wrinkles, atrophy of the skin not exposed to sunlight or severe skin keratosis resulting from reduced sebaceous and sweat glands.

The main factor that is resopinsible for extrinsic aging is sunlight, but other contributors are external factors such as air pollution, stress, cigarette smoke, diseases, medications and improper care. The effect of aging skin is dryness, roughness, but also color changes, deep wrinkles, solar elastosis (small lumps on the skin), telangiectasia (enlargement of the blood vessels), sebaceous gland hyperplasia or neoplastic lesions.